Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A Liberal Christian View on Abortion Access in America

Anti abortion rally in Washington, D.C. Decemb...
Anti abortion rally in Washington, D.C. December 2004. My own work. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

      This essay is an attempt at a broad overview on the bioethical question on women's access to abortion services. This is a tighter focus of ethical argument then the broader question on the morality of abortion, yet as a persuasive issue the argument goes back to the fundamental question of when life begins. Those in the pro-life movement fall solidly on the side of life begins at conception or that all attempts (planned or not) at conception should end in the formation of a fetus. They believe this to be the free will of God and deny any attempt of sentient women to exercise their free will in this matter (Noonan, 1973). Not all religiosity ends in a pro -life stand.
Histogram of the number of abortions in 2005 p...
Histogram of the number of abortions in 2005 per 1,000 live births of residents of each of the United States which the Democrat Party won in the 2008 U.S. Presidential election, except California, Florida, New Hampshire; data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Yet, all abortion debate comes down to questions that can be understood only ultimately as theological in nature. The atheist while, while supporting a humanistic ethic cannot make a true ultimate argument for pro- choice. It becomes for those without regard to the theological a matter of cultural choice (Noonan, 1973). On a practical medical level, I do believe I am within the realm of rational thought that medical practice falls on side of preserving and upholding the lives of women who are beings that exist on the earth as separate beings from their birth mother.
I fall on the side of pro-choice because of a basic belief that humans are "more than" and as spiritual beings given free will we are created in the image of God. Our free will is exercised on the most basic level when we become sentient beings ;at least at a primitive level of self awareness. Our physical bodies are vessels for the divine spirit and certainly without care cannot fully appreciate that spirit; Yet, I do not believe that we can ultimately thwart the will of God, by destroying a potential vessel for the divine spirit. It may make me more Gnostic in my beliefs as a Christian. Still, there is the concept of predestination and free will in traditional and legitimately accepted Christian thought.
The larger impact of anti abortion policies limiting women's access to abortion is that these policies go hand in hand with the lack of medical facilities that provide birth control information and basic information about reproductive health (Henshaw, 2003).
One can make the ethical argument that by limiting a women's informed decision making information about her body allow the religious fanatics to win. If a women is not empowered by knowledge of her own body then she is not able to exercise her free will as a divine being, Hence , the reproductive process becomes the will of God based and not the will of the women ,because it remains a mystery. Very few young women engage in a philosophical debate about the potential creation of unwanted life before becoming sexually active (CCD, 1991). Fear of pregnancy is not enough to preserve a women's God given right to knowledge about her own body
Yes, abortion is a legal procedure in the United States since 1973. Still, in most rural areas and even smaller communities almost all the female population has no identifiable abortion service provider (Henshaw, 2003). Yet, most have access to Crisis pregnancy centers; that will be more than happy to distort the development of the fetus to appear more "human" and endowed with a soul to discourage girls with unplanned pregnancies not to end the pregnancy. These women are denied the other side of the story and can not exercise their free will.
Because of the expense of travel most women who want to end their pregnancy, have to be of a certain social class or income to exercise their God given right to choose. A pregnant 15 year old who is a victim of date rape is again forced into breeding; by supposing Christ like adults. Those of us with a broader Christian ethic are deeply offended by the victimization of young women in the name of Christ.
This can be seen as in its most extreme form as are society's tolerance of religiously based terrorism against women and young women in particular (Holtsherry,2006). Religious terrorist supported by those in evangelical and orthodox Christian groups disrupt clinics with violence and more importantly threats of violence. Abortion providers have their lives endangered to the point that many simply stop providing these services in many communities. If we have a war on extreme religious fanaticism abroad that is somewhat based on people's rights to exercise their God given right to a quality of life, why do we
tolerate religious terrorism in this country that impacts the life of all American women.
The answer is that the liberal church has turned away from the dead fetus signs in some manner as a result of good taste. We tend to have a contempt for what was seen as the under educated classes and have tended to not see them as relevant. Yet, it is women in these social classes whose lives are most impacted by lack of access to family planning of abortion services (CDC, 1991).
The world has changed. One can receive a degree and a high paying job without developing higher critical thinking social skills or a rational social ethic. Money brings political power and social legitimacy. It is middle class now for the pregnant 15 year old to "honor Christ" by keeping her baby and not receiving an education. The eventual loss of anything that resembles a middle class because we force women into lives of poverty, by limiting their choices is not something the middle class religious fanatic foresees.
A great deal of these folks awaits the return of Christ and worry little if their children or grandchildren will have a quality of life. The dumping down of Americans crossing from poverty to the middle class, will ultimately shrink the middle class, undermine the position of American women, and allow workers in the underclass to be exploited by a small, but truly educated upper class. I do not believe Christ is honored by this, nor does it meet the demands of the commandment 'love thy neighbor as thyself". The liberal church is obligated to support as women's right to access to abortion and family planning services to honor Christ. It should include less of a tolerance of religious based terrorism against women, from the religious right.
The overall viewpoint of the medical community cannot really be determined in view of a women's right to family planning and abortion services. . Doctors who provide women's health services have personal religious beliefs. It is ethical for a doctor to not provide family planning services based on personal religious beliefs. It is not ethical however, for a health care provider not to supply access to another care provider should they not be able to provide all legal reproductive services for women who request them. They also should not be able to represent as medical fact any religious viewpoint on the beginning of sentient life. This is an area theology deals with; and one cannot prove one way or another at what point humanity is applied to the fetus. One cannot act to preserve the right of fetus over the life the mother to choose without violating an oath that requires them to do, "no harm".
Histogram of the number of abortions in 2005 p...
Histogram of the number of abortions in 2005 per 1,000 live births of residents of each of the United States which the Republican Party won in the 2008 U.S. Presidential election, except Louisiana; data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2001). Surveillance of
Family Planning Services at Title X Clinics and Characteristics of Women Receiving These Services. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Vol. 44.
Henshaw, SK (2003). The Accessibility of Abortion Services in the United States.
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
Holtserry, Kevin (July 19, 2006) Planned Parenthood Labels Several Pro-Life

Terrorists" on Abortion. Note: Note a pro-life
Governing justification to illegal acts .
Retrieved May 6,2010
Noonan, John (1973) Responding to Person: Methods of Moral
Argument in Debate over Abortion. Theology Digest

Who Deserves Their Daily Bread?

Anachronistic Medieval representation of St. G...
Anachronistic Medieval representation of St. Gregory. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Christians Need to Understand the Need to Share God's Provisions with All His Children

The Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Prayer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

      St. Gregory of Nyssa on the Lord's Prayer: "So we say to God: Give us bread. Not delicacies or riches, nor magnificent purple robes, golden ornaments, and precious stones, or silver dishes. Nor do we ask Him for landed estates, or military commands, or political leadership. We pray neither for herds of horses and oxen or other cattle in great numbers, nor for a host of slaves. We do not say, give us a prominent position in assemblies or monuments and statues raised to us, nor silken robes and musicians at meals, nor any other thing by which the soul is estranged from the thought of God and higher things; no -- but only bread! . .
"But you go on business to the Indies and venture out upon strange seas; you go on a voyage every year only to bring back flavorings for your food, without realizing that . . . [it] is above all a good conscience which makes the bread tasty because it is eaten in justice. .

Progressive Anglo-Catholics hope for social justice for all. We pray for the Lord to,give us our daily Bread" and then ask that we be reconciled to our fellow man by virtue of mutual forgiveness. Those of us in the West, often find our quest for social justice limited to our concern for our brothers and sisters who appear to be victim's of America's many times less than just social system .We focus on seeking justice for our little corner of the world. We do it because it is easy and we can get results. Our parish food pantry does make sure some daily bread flows to our neighbor.

We miss the more important aspects of daily bread. . Italian statesman Machiavelli understood that. He said: "People are always provoked by small injustices but never by great injustices We live in a world where many of our brothers and sisters in Christ have been denied the provision of daily bread.. Many of these faithful Christians die in famines or mourn the death of their children because they do not receive their God -given portion because of the greed and excess of Christians in the West. We have not strived to set into place social systems that honor the will of the Lord. We have failed God, in this manner. God has not failed us.

English: Lord's Prayer miniature medallion, us...
English: Lord's Prayer miniature medallion, used on same chain as military ID tag (dog tag). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Many so-called Christians of a more literalist theological bent have come up with "prosperity" teaching and use the "daily bread ",line from the Lord's prayer and scriptures about the blessing to justify entitlement to more than just daily bread. They do not even want the whole loaf. They feel theologically entitled to the whole bakery, without regard to their fellow Christian who would be satisfied with just a few crumbs if it meant their children could live in health till adulthood.

Praying for a "Cadillac" is not within the will of the Lord. The problem is for many Progressive Christians is they find it hard to forgive those who preach these things in the name of the Lord. This is our vanity at work. We need to ask God's forgiveness for our lack of serious attempts to work for social justice in a ways that impact the bigger picture,right of all of God's children to their "daily bread". We only can seek 'forgiveness "to those we corporately deny God's provision for by demonstrable action. We need to work for social justice always in our daily lives and share our "daily bread". Then, only then will we be bringing forth will of God "on Earth as it is in Heaven."

James 2:15: "(Give) if a brother or sister is in need and destitute of daily food!"
2 Corinthians 8:14: "Your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you

Hosea 11:4: "I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love; I lifted the yoke from their neck and bent down to feed them."

The Claim of a Personal Relationship with God

The Amazing Extraordinary Friends
The Amazing Extraordinary Friends (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Does God Really Offer Customized Relationships?

The biggest personal dilemma ever faced as a Christian was realizing that the Church was not one. That the bride of Christ; which was charged to be Christ on Earth in action was hopelessly split into many sects. Even more disturbing is the fact that one Church deems one thing to be against Christ that another church deems to be with Christ. These are all matters that do not even address the issue of theological differences. There is not agreement among much of the Christian world about what it means to be a Christian. Worse those who gather in the name of Christ many times spend more time attacking each other than doing the work of God. Of course there is no clear, "work of God "for most Christians to agree on anyway.
This is leading some to assume that the relationship one has with Christ is individual. An individual relationship with God is narcissism. Personalized to our own needs and likings much like all those nifty cell phone applications that can tell us where we can find sushi anywhere on earth. These folks assume God will be their GPS through the daily trials of life and get them to heaven in the end. They get extra brownie points in heaven if they lead others to their own customized relationship with God.
They of course like this individual relationship with God idea. God is their Daddy who looks like them, thinks like them and of course has the same ethics which can neatly be written into doctrine. Those of us who are not lucky enough to be naturally like God need doctrine so we can have our fellow Christians individual relationship with God. Of course we have to give up being the individuals God created us as and whatever doctrine of Christian neighbor is promoting.

Christ the Saviour (Pantokrator), a 6th-centur...
Christ the Saviour (Pantokrator), a 6th-century encaustic icon from Saint Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai. NB - slightly cut down - for full size see here (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

True Christianity is not some neat little relationship with God; that we get when we weep the sinners prayer when we are upset with our lovers, our jobs, and general disarray of the world. It is the journey of life where we constantly struggle to put Christ at the center when we are spiritually mature enough to know that that is what God calls us to do. Christ is with us from our point of Baptism. We grow imperfectly in the knowledge of Christ until we accept the truth of Christ at our confirmation and partake of Christ with full knowledge at the Eucharist.
We are only Christians when we know we have the choice to follow Christ or ignore Christ. We most walk that muddy middle ground until life's circumstances calls us to fall at Christ feet. It is here in God's true church that we discover and our born again into our Lord over and over. It is here that we find the grace of God in the absolution of our sins. Mother Church always welcomes back her errant Children because she is the essence of God's love and promotes God's true work in the world. The miracle is Christ church is one even when we act like it is not and Christ himself forgives us our arrogance for not seeing it.